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Landscape Drainage

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Cedar Park Landscaping Pros is the place to call for all your landscape drainage needs.


Poor drainage can effect trees, shrubs, flower beds and vegetable gardens.  Too much water will suffocate vegetation.  If there is poor drainage on your property, there isn’t much we can do to ensure that your landscape thrives.  No amount of fertilizer, mulching and aeration can prevent the slow death of your greenery.  However, installation of a drainage system will make a huge difference. In addition, a positive side effect of proper drainage is the elimination of mosquitoes. When you have standing water, you will absolutely have more bugs. With proper drainage, your property will be looking great and be ready for outdoor festivities.


Contact Us

Call Cedar Park Landscaping Pros if you notice puddles of water forming on your lawn, gardens, flower beds or near the foundation.  We can assist with the best landscape drainage corrections.


What is Drainage Correction?

You may have noticed puddles of water spread haphazardly throughout your lawn.  This is the result of either a sewage backup or poor landscape drainage.  Nine times out of ten, the problem is a drainage issue in need of drainage correction.  Drainage correction is any treatment that impacts how water drains on your property.  Standing water does not only kill plant life, it can also wreak havoc on the foundation of your home.


We Can Help

Cedar Park Landscaping Pros are experts when it comes to strategic drainage solutions.  Give your vegetation an opportunity to thrive.  Contact us to rid your property of muddy spots, pooling water, and mosquito producing puddles.


Benefits of Drainage Correction

You may have thought that those small puddles of water scattered across your property were nothing to worry about.  However, drainage issues are more of a problem than you might think.  Stagnant water is the perfect breeding ground for disease carrying mosquitoes.  Prevent West Nile Virus and malaria with proper drainage correction. Additionally, you can preserve your foundation with expert drainage solutions.  A water buildup near your home could result in thousands of dollars in foundation repair.  Each property is uniquely different.  Cedar Park Landscaping Pros uses a customized approach when it comes to address our client's landscape drainage issues.


Scientific Drainage Correction

Many other landscapers will engage in a series of trial and error mistakes before they  locate the source of the drainage problem.  This is a waste of time and money.  The experts at Cedar Park Landscaping Pros are known for the scientific approach to drainage challenges.  Our landscape specialists conduct an in depth analysis to determine where the problems originate.  Because we have many years of experience, you can be confident in our ability to solve drainage problems swiftly.  Our goal is to be accurate in remedying each drainage situation.

To Get More Information

To learn more about how we can assist with drainage issues on residential or commercial properties, contact us today.


Drainage Correction Solutions

There are many ways to address drainage issues.  Therefore, each solution is based upon the unique circumstances of your property.  Perhaps your land is located on a hill, or in a valley.  In some cases, we have used sump pumps to assist with drainage issues.  Catch basins are another effective tool to eliminate mosquito creating puddles.


Free Consultation

One of our drainage experts will be happy to meet with you for a complimentary consultation.  After an in depth analysis, we will provide you with a concrete list of solutions.  You are under no obligation to purchase.  Our goal is to arm you with enough information to make the wisest decision possible.
